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Happy new year and good-bye bzip2

Good-bye bzip2 We started listing xz-compressed versions of kernel archives in all our announcements back in March 2013, and the time has come to complete the switch. Effective immediately, we will no longer be providing bzip2-compressed versions for new releases of the Linux kernel and other software. Any previously released .tar.bz2 archives will continue to be available without change, and we will also continue to provide gzip-compressed versions of all new releases for the foreseeable future. So, from now on, all releases will be offered as both .tar.gz and .tar.xz, but not as .tar.bz2. We apologize if this interferes with any automated tools. Happy new year! Happy new year to all kernel.org users and visitors. The Linux Foundation and Linux Kernel Archives teams extend their warmest wishes to you all, and we hope that 2014 proves to be just as awesome (or awesomer) for the Linux kernel...

New frontend and googlesource.com

Montreal frontend We have added another official frontend for serving the kernel content, courtesy of Vexxhost, Inc. There is now a total of three frontends, one in Palo Alto, California, one in Portland, Oregon, and one in Montreal, Quebec. This should allow for better geographic dispersion of official mirrors, as well as better fault tolerance. Kernel.googlesource.com We are happy to announce that kernel.googlesource.com is now relying on grokmirror manifest data to efficiently mirror git.kernel.org, which means that if accessing git.kernel.org is too high latency for you due to your geographical location (EMEA, APAC), kernel.googlesource.com should provide you with a fast local mirror that is at most 5 minutes behind official sources. We extend our thanks to Google for making this available to all kernel hackers and enthusiasts worldwide. TLS 1.2 and PFS With the latest round of upgrades, we are now serving TLS 1.2 with PFS across all kernel.org sites, offering higher protection against eavesdropping...

Mirroring kernel.org repositories

If you would like to mirror all or a subset of kernel.org git repositories, please use a tool we wrote for this purpose, called grokmirror. Grokmirror is git-aware and will create a complete mirror of kernel.org repositories and keep them automatically updated with no further involvement on your part. Grokmirror works by keeping track of repositories being updated by downloading and comparing the master manifest file. This file is only downloaded if it's newer on the server, and only the repositories that have changed will be updated via "git remote update". You can read more about grokmirror by reading the README file. Obtaining grokmirror If grokmirror is not yet packaged for your distribution, you can obtain it from a git repository: git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/grokmirror/grokmirror.git In additon to git, you will need to install the following python dependencies on your mirror server: GitPython Setting up a kernel.org mirror It is recommended that you create a dedicated "mirror" user that will own all the content and run all the cron jobs. It is generally discouraged to run this as user "root". The default repos.conf already comes pre-configured for kernel.org. We reproduce the minimal configuration here: [kernel.org] site = git://git.kernel.org manifest = http://git.kernel.org/manifest.js.gz default_owner = Grokmirror User # # Where are we going to put the mirror on our disk? toplevel = /var/lib/git/mirror # # Where do we store our own manifest? Usually in the toplevel. mymanifest = /var/lib/git/mirror/manifest.js.gz # # Where do we put the logs? log = /var/log/mirror/kernelorg.log # # Log level can be "info" or "debug" loglevel = info # # To prevent multiple grok-pull instances from running at the same # time, we first obtain an exclusive lock. lock = /var/lock/mirror/kernelorg.lock # # Use shell-globbing to list the repositories you would like to mirror. # If you want to mirror everything, just say "*". Separate multiple entries # with newline plus tab. Examples: # # mirror everything: #include = * # # mirror just the main kernel sources: #include = /pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git # /pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git # /pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/next/linux-next.git # # mirror just git: #include = /pub/scm/git/* include = * # # This is processed after the include. If you want to exclude some specific # entries from an all-inclusive globbing above. E.g., to exclude all # linux-2.4 git sources: #exclude = */linux-2.4* exclude = Install this configuration file anywhere that makes sense in your environment. You'll need to make sure that the following directories (or whatever you changed them to) are writable by the "mirror" user: /var/lib/git/mirror /var/log/mirror /var/lock/mirror Mirroring kernel.org git repositories Now all you need to do is to add a cronjob that will check the kernel.org mirror for updates. The following entry in /etc/cron.d/grokmirror.cron will check the mirror every 5 minutes: # Run grok-pull every 5 minutes as "mirror" user */5 * * * * mirror /usr/bin/grok-pull -p -c /etc/grokmirror/repos.conf (You will need to adjust the paths to the grok-pull command and to repos.conf accordingly to reflect your environment.) The initial run will take many hours to complete, as it will need to download about 50 GB of data. Mirroring a subset of repositories If you are only interested in carrying a subset of git repositories instead of all of them, you are welcome to tweak the include and exclude parameters...

Fifty shades of Tux

Special thanks to Benoît Monin for donating a MIT-licensed CSS theme to the kernel.org project to replace the one we hastily put together. Though the Pelican authors have since obtained a free-license commitment from the copyright owners of the CSS files shipping with Pelican, we wanted to have something that looked a bit less like the default theme anyway. If anyone else wants to participate, full sources of the kernel.org website are available from the git repository...

XZ by default and JSON

We've implemented two oft-requested features today: The download links now default to .tar.xz versions of archives There is now a JSON file with the release information located in https://www.kernel.org/releases.json. If you've been screen-scraping the front page, please use this instead. If you have any other feature suggestions, please send them to webmaster@kernel.org...

/pub tree resync-ing

Due to a failure in one of the rsync scripts during the maintenance window, the mirrors of /pub hierarchy on www.kernel.org got erased. We are resyncing them now from the master storage, but in the meantime you will probably get an occasional "Forbidden". The entirety of the archive should be rsync'ed in a few hours. We apologize profusely for the problem and will fix the script to make sure this doesn't happen again. Contents of git.kernel.org are unaffected...

Cleanroom styles

You are probably wondering what happened to the site's look. Unfortunately, we've been alerted that the default theme shipped by Pelican (which we largely adapted) has an unclear license. Until this is cleared up, we've put together a quick-and-dirty cleanroom CSS reimplementation that preserves the functional aspects of the site, but sacrifices a lot of the bells and whistles. If you are a CSS designer and would like to donate your own cleanroom style, please let us know at webmaster@kernel.org. Our apologies, and we promise to keep a keener eye on licensing details of various templates distributed with open-source products...


Welcome to the reworked kernel.org website. We have switched to using Pelican in order to statically render our site content, which simplifies mirroring and distribution. You can view the sources used to build this website in its own git repository. Additionally, we have switched from using gitweb-caching to using cgit for browsing git repositories. There are rewrite rules in place to forward old gitweb URLs to the pages serviced by cgit, so there shouldn't be any broken links, hopefully. If you notice that something that used to work with gitweb no longer works for you with cgit, please drop us a note at webmaster@kernel.org...

Legal disclaimers and copyright

Copyright and license Except where otherwise stated, content on this site is copyright (C) 1997-2014 by The Linux Kernel Organization, Inc. and is made available to you under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Distributed software is copyrighted by their respective contributors and are distributed under their own individual licenses. Legal Disclaimer This site is provided as a public service by The Linux Kernel Organization Inc., a California 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation. Our servers are located in San Francisco, CA, USA; Palo Alto, CA, USA; Corvallis, OR, USA; Portland, OR, USA and Montréal, Québec, Canada. Use in violation of any applicable laws is strictly prohibited. Neither the Linux Kernel Organization nor any of its sponsors make any guarantees, explicit or implicit, about the contents of this site. Use at your own risk. Trademarks Linux is a Registered Trademark of Linus Torvalds. All trademarks are property of their respective owners...